Do you or your loved ones have trouble remembering to take medications at the proper time of day?
We package medications and supplements in weekly compliance packages to help you live independently and reduce medication errors. There is no extra fee for this valuable prescription service.
Why Use Compliance Packaging?
Medication dosages can be complicated, especially if you are taking several medications, multiple times a day. And with today’s busy lifestyle, even one medication can be tricky to remember. When medications are missed or taken at the wrong time, you could suffer from unwanted symptoms or run the risk of your prescriptions not working at all.
At Macdonald’s Prescription #3, our compliance packaging services will help ensure that you receive the optimal dosing and compliance of all your prescription medications. We will create a compliance pack tailored to your prescription needs, refilling it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly in consultation with your healthcare professional.
What Are The Benefits Of Compliance Packaging?
Here are some import benefits of compliance packages for patients and/or caregivers:
SAFETY: The patient receives the right medications at the right times. You won’t have to worry about double dosing or missed dosing.
ADHERENCE: It is easy to keep track of when to take your medications, and you can easily see if there were any missed doses.
CONVENIENCE: Organizing your medications on your own will be a thing of the past. Take the guess work out of when to take your medications.
TRAVEL: When you travel, you may not want to take all your medication and supplement bottles, especially now that you have to pay for most luggage. Still, to avoid issues with customs, you need to make sure your pills are not randomly thrown into plastic baggies. Compliance packaging gives you the best of both worlds—compactness and official pharmacy packaging.
Who Are Compliance Packages For?
Compliance packaging is for anyone who wants to ensure they are taking their medications properly, including:
- Patients taking 3 or more medications, multiple times a day
- Seniors using chronic condition medications
- Patients with memory deficiency
- Patients who travel internationally
Compliance packages will not only help manage your medication treatment, but can also save lives.
If you would like to learn more about our compliance packaging services, contact one of our pharmacy specialists today!