
ValguLoc® II

Stabilizing orthosis with multi-dimensional joint for big toe correction.

ValguLoc II relieves the metatarsophalangeal joint and can help achieve a pain-free movement of the big toe if used in the early stages of hallux valgus (bunion). A long-term progression of the misalignment can be prevented. A multi-dimensional joint holds the toe at a predetermined angle at which extension and flexion are prevented or can be permitted gradually.

  • Individually mobilizable
  • Flat construction
  • Simple to fit


  • Stabilizing splint with a multi-dimensional hinge for big toe correction and can be worn for bunions
  • Holds the big toe at the correct angle for comfortable and effective treatment
  • Flexion and extension can be adjusted gradually, depending on treatment requirements, using the multi-dimensional joint
  • Flat construction & the hinge’s shell-shaped anatomical contours unload the metatarsophalangeal joint
  • Fits snugly on the foot, giving secure support and guidance, either during the night or in comfortable shoes during the day