Whether you feel 60 years old or 60 years young depends on the lifestyle you adopt and how adamant you are about preventative healthcare practices. Even if you indulged in some unhealthy habits throughout your life, it is still possible to enhance your well-being now and in the years ahead. Small lifestyle changes can improve your health dramatically.
People used to think of entering their 60s as a time to revel in early bird dinner specials and lay back and enjoy retirement. Now, people are returning to college, running marathons, and starting businesses in their 60s.
After six decades of working your body, you can expect a decline in your physical well-being. You need to become more in tune with your body and not just physically. Your mental well-being is essential as well.
How you feel about ageing also plays a vital role in how well you age. A study at Yale University found that people who have a positive attitude about ageing live longer than those who have a negative outlook. This is because people with a positive attitude are more likely to take responsibility and control of their health.
Here are some steps you can take to improve and maintain your health in your 60s:
Quit smoking – Even if you have tried and failed before, do not give up kicking this bad habit. There are more treatment and options and resources than ever to help you quit smoking.
Protect your heart – Most heart attacks in women happen a decade after menopause, and heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women. Reduce your risk of heart disease by checking your blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose levels, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference regularly to keep them in the healthy range.
Maintain a healthy weight – Obesity and being overweight can have a dramatic effect on your health and on how you feel. It is also more difficult to lose weight the older you get as your metabolism slows down and muscle is replaced by fat. That is why it is more important than ever to eat properly and be aware of your portion sizes.
Exercise regularly – Do at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. You should talk to your healthcare provider before starting an exercise regime to be sure you do not put too much stress on your body too soon. It is important to do activities that are right for your body and activity level. Choose activities that you enjoy doing whether that be swimming, dancing, walking, or weight training so that you are more likely to stick with it.
Indulge in moderation – Women should have no more than one drink a day, while men should restrict their alcoholic beverage intake to no more than two a day. Technically, zero alcohol consumption is best but if you want to indulge, keep the frequency to a minimum.
See your healthcare provider regularly – Diagnostic tests, health screenings, and immunizations are especially important as you get older. You will probably rather spend your free time doing anything but waiting in a doctors office, but the visit could be the difference between enjoying your free time or being plagued with fatigue and illness during it. At MacDonald’s Prescription, we can provide you with a comprehensive list of services to keep you living a healthy life into your 60s and beyond.