How to Prevent Swimming Shoulder Injury
The warm weather is here, and for many of us (myself included), it’s the perfect time of year to include some swimming into your fitness routine. Swimming is a super activity that has a mountain of benefits for the entire body—especially if you are looking for something that is easy on your joints. That said, swimming can take a toll on your shoulders. Improper technique and overuse often results in the ever-dreaded swimmer’s shoulder. Here is some handy advice I’ve scraped together to help you prevent shoulder injuries, or how to come back from one.
Before you get in the pool
Before you jump in the water, you should warm up your shoulders. You can begin with some band or dryland exercises to help your shoulders prepare for swimming. Boosting your heartrate and circulation will help with the range of motion in your joints, putting less strain on your shoulders when you begin swimming.
Begin warming up your shoulders with some quick and easy band exercises. Bands are extremely effective because you can do numerous stretching exercises and build your strength without straining your shoulders. When it comes to getting you ready for the pool, bands are your shoulders’ best friend.
There are several great dryland exercises that will help you prepare your shoulders for swimming. For instance, you can do some dips on a bench or bench push ups to warm up your shoulders. But keep in mind, stop doing these exercises if your shoulders start hurting.
When you are swimming, pay close attention to how your shoulders are feeling. If they start to hurt, take a break. Overdoing it can cause serious damage to your shoulders, like tendonitis and rotator cuff problems. If your pain persists, consult a healthcare provider.
One of the main causes of shoulder injury is poor technique. So, if you are experiencing shoulder pain, you might need to make some adjustments. Getting help from a coach will help you iron out your technique, and pin down your mistakes.
After your swim, it’s important to stretch your shoulders. Post-workout is crucial when it comes time to protecting your body. Your muscles are tired and are on the mend, beginning the process of repairing themselves.
See a healthcare provider
Shoulder health is not only vital for swimming, but also for day to day living. So, it’s a good idea to take care of them. If you are experiencing chronic shoulder pain, see a health care provider. They will educate you on how to properly take care of your injuries.
In need of a proper shoulder support? Come in to meet with our brace fitters today!
Have any shoulder exercises you would like to share? Let us know, as we would love to hear about it!